When talking about awakening, Richard Rudd reiterates over and over that awakening is spontaneous. There is no path or practice that leads to awakening. The only thing we can do is be ourselves.

That presents a whole new conundrum because the majority of us have no idea who we are. While we may get glimpses of ourselves in moments of delight and inspiration, these moments are layered beneath mountains of conditioning and programming.

The only “path” that anyone can ever take is their own path. Charted out by following threads of desire, breadcrumbs of freedom, and glimpses of awareness. All the things that offer us fleeting visions of our eternal selves. Like moments where we are witnessing the most perfect sunrise or sunset, fully aware that it is impermanent. Knowing we cannot hold the moment forever; we fully take in every detail possible. When the moment’s passed, we eagerly await the next occurrence. As awakening dawns, we realize every moment is a perfect moment. Every moment is the sun rising, and setting, and everything in between.

There is no longer anything to pursue, do, or be. You are you.. you ARE… You always have been, and you always will be. And it’s all perfect just the way it is.