Surfing the Evolutionary Bell Curve

Surfing the Evolutionary Bell Curve

One day I started thinking of Evolution in terms of a bell curve. Occasionally, throughout history there are those that are ahead of their time in terms of the way they think and relate to the world. The first person that came to mind was Nikola Tesla. A brilliant eccentric who died nearly penniless but is credited with a multitude of inventions and inspiring countless other inventors. Similarly, there are mystics like Neville Goddard and Madame Blavatsky, who likewise were recognized in their time but whose teachings are finding a broader audience and more solid footing in the current century.

Some may argue that the newfound acceptance and proliferation of the ideas originating from these brilliant minds is simply a byproduct of the internet and the ease with which their ideas can be shared and accessed. While that may be true, it can only be true because the state of connectedness that we currently experience is, itself, a product of evolution. Regardless, when thinking in terms of an evolutionary bell curve, thinkers like Tesla, Goddard, and Blavatsky were ahead of the curve.

If we look at Evolution within the framework of a bell curve, whether we are examining biological Evolution and the Mesozoic era when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, or intellectual Evolution and reflecting on a time when humans thought the sun revolved around the earth, there is always a species or theory dominating the era. Anything, whether biologically or intellectually, that is too far ahead of its time or that fails to adapt to change, is ultimately unsustainable.

The interesting thing about Evolution is that it’s not a static bell curve… it’s more like a bell wave, rippling out across the Universe. As it moves across the planet and through humanity, we are faced with a choice: We can stand our ground, convinced we know what is “right” and best for ourselves and the rest of the planet, only to be left behind as the wave continues to propagate, or we learn to surf.

When we become Evolutionary Surfers of the bell wave, we are perched on top of the swell and keenly dialed into the subtle fluctuations taking place beneath our feet. We watch the horizon for indications of potential disturbances and shift our weight in response to the speed and direction of the wave. Initially, the focus required to manage the nuances of surfing the evolutionary wave can be exhausting. However, once we learn the clues, ques, and feedback imbedded in the system, surfing becomes second nature. There’s no fighting the current. If we fall off, we can effortlessly read the horizon, anticipating the next swell that will lift us back up out of the water. If we get too far ahead, we run the risk of being crushed under the cresting wave. If we fall too far back, we miss the ride.

I’ve often heard human consciousness compared to that of a wave on the water. With God, Source, the Universe, being the water and each one of us small crests popping up then descending back into the One. Regardless, if we are a simple cresting wave or a ripple riding out across the Universe, we get to choose how we relate to our experience. Do we get left behind, becoming outmoded and defunct? Or were we born too soon, and the world has yet to appreciate our brilliance? Or do we become surfers and ride the wave of Evolution?

Happy Evolving!

Visit my Patreon page for the accompanying Biofield Tuning Meditation.