Personal Evolution: Four Essential Elements for Navigating Your Life

Personal Evolution: Four Essential Elements for Navigating Your Life

I’ve come to the point in my journey where it’s hard for me to not see everything through the lens of evolution. When I think back to where I started, I don’t know that I ever thought I’d end up publishing a book. What began as a desire to understand the circumstances of my life at the time, has turned into a passion. Or, maybe more appropriately, a love affair. A love affair with the Universe – the Divine.

While it may sound corny or cliché, when I sit to write this blog and announce the publication of “my” book, and as I tap into the essence of what I want to share, I’m consumed by the excitement of the adventure we call life. I feel the excitement bubble up through the Universal Aether wrapping its cosmic arms around me as we begin to dance. Me, eternally grateful for its loving persistence and belief in me; and the Universe, simply excited to be at the forefront of a new moment in its own evolution.

I call it “my” book only because I feel that I can’t take credit for it. Like many authors (and artists of all mediums), it feels like it came through me rather than from me. The Universe just needed a willing participant to share with the world a different framework for navigating the physical world that would open the door for others to step off the beaten path and begin following their individual evolution directive. That is the intention of Personal Evolution: Four Essential Elements for Navigating Your Life.

Regardless of the success and reach of Personal Evolution, it’s a win for the Universe and the evolution of consciousness. Every time any one of us follows our heart and responds to the subtle promptings of our higher self, we become active participants in creation.

Officially available in mid-January, Personal Evolution: Four Essential Elements for Navigating Your Life, outlines a framework for adopting an evolutionary mindset and applying The Four Elements of Evolution in a way that supports you in identifying and following your own path. A path that, if pursued, will take you on a journey unlike any other because it is the journey written by your own soul just for you.

If you are curious about The Four Elements, visit my reSOURCE page and take my short course, Becoming an Evolution Engineer. While it only brushes the surface of the concepts, it gives you an idea of how adopting an evolutionary mindset can change your life.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Feel free to reach out with any questions and stay tuned for more updates.