New Year Evolution instead of Resolution!

New Year Evolution instead of Resolution!

When you Google the word “resolution,” the definitions provided are:

A firm decision to do or not do something.

The quality of being determined or resolute.

The definition implies that a degree of will is necessary in order to exercise resolve. Perhaps that’s why so many of us don’t get too far with our New Year’s resolutions – we are trying to will ourselves into being, doing, or having something that does not come naturally to us.

It stands to reason then that we would be better off investing our energy in evolving into the person that does or has the things we desire instead relying on sheer willpower. When we use willpower, even if we meet our goal, if we are not the kind of person who lives the life we desire, it will take continued effort to maintain.

How then does a person evolve?

Fortunately, we are designed to evolve. There are plenty of people who may believe they “just are who they are,” but who is that exactly? Is it the toddler version of themselves learning to walk? Is it their adolescent self, learning to navigate relationships and drive a car? Is it the young adult self, full of idealistic dreams for the future? Or, is it the middle-aged, responsible adult with two car payments, a mortgage, and two kids with a third on the way?

Because we can only experience life through the filter of our own mind, we may never be fully aware that we have been evolving since conception. From the moment the cells that make up our bodies begin dividing, we are being influenced and shaped by the external world. As our personalities develop, we may begin to think of ourselves in a certain way, however, every experience leaves a mark that fundamentally changes us forever. Regardless of the experience, it cannot be undone.

When we acknowledge and own this reality – that we are constantly evolving in response to the external world – we are empowered. We are empowered because we can harness the power of choice and deliberate creation. Everything becomes a source for feedback to help steer us in the direction of our dreams.

Obstacles become valuable warning signs, telling us to slow down or turn around; or, they may be put in place to help develop a skill we will need down the road. Moments of joy and extasy remind us of what’s important in life. Shame, guilt, and self-judgement are all symptoms of our built-in warning system that goes off when we have lost sight of who we truly are. Not intended to tell us we are bad or shameful, but rather to remind us that’s NOT who we are.

As we feel our way toward our goals, we can observe ourselves with Awareness instead of judgement. We begin to loosen our grip on our goals because we realize it is not about the goal… it’s not about any thing. It’s about us and who we are.  When we begin to evolve, we become the objective. We can continue to choose to do the things that excite and ignite us, but it becomes about the fun of our own journey.

So, as we embark on a new year, I encourage you to hold your resolutions loosely and start EVOLVING!!