
The Yield2Evolve Blog

Having spent the greater part of my life trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing in an attempt to conform to society’s formula for success, I have come to the conclusion that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to finding your path and purpose in life. On the following pages, I share my thoughts and journey with you.

I don’t party all that much these days. My celebrations are much more subtle than they used to be. Now, my celebrations amount to succumbing to a froggy giddiness that leaves me feeling playful, or affording myself a morning sabbatical at a local coffee shop...

I’m not politically savvy, but I have my opinions like anyone else. I like to think my opinions are neutral and, while I have ideas about how I want my life to run, I understand that others have their own opinions and I want to...

I realize through the process of thinking about rules how much of my life I have wasted energy trying to adhere to other's rules, while at the same time pushing against them....

While I realize that dreams can have many interpretations, I feel the most important is the dreamer’s interpretation. I don’t recall the part of the dream that preceded the moment in my dream when I noticed an airplane flying over a city that appeared to...

Generally, “purpose” is thought of as our life calling. The thing we incarnated to do. Lucky people are born knowing their purpose and use it as a beacon to guide them effortlessly through life (hopefully you picked up on my sarcasm). ...

Have you ever considered the nature of the physical world? When we think in terms of electricity, it gives us a framework for better understanding ourselves and the world around us....

It's easy to watch movies for their entertainment value alone. However, many movies have subtle but profound messages if we are listening for them. While flipping channels during a lunch break, I caught the last few minutes of a movie that happened to share just...

For the most part, we no longer need to hunt and gather food - we don’t even need to grow and raise our own food. We just need to go down to the local supermarket and we virtually have unlimited choice of what to eat....